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They could see Lois’s gambling addiction was out of control and they concluded that the money was to plug her spiralling debt and to fund her habit. Lots of you got in touch - including someone who’s overcome a serious addiction and is still dealing with the consequences of it - but is helping others who have found themselves in the same situation. We talked about the increasing “gamblification” of football and asked whose responsibility it is to regulate the industry and help people who have become addicted. Gambling with Lives is a charity set up by bereaved families of young men who took their own life as a result of their gambling addiction. And with Thursday’s rally breathing new life into the space, we could see some upside follow-through in the day’s to come. For instance, you may see the code “WELCOME100” for a 100% welcome bonus. The weightings will look different if you accept a table games bonus rather than a slot bonus. The live dealer games offered by online casinos capture the look and feel of the land-based casino experience. There are a few measures that the majority of online casinos have taken to crack down this practice.

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